Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 - A Year in Review

We had some friends come up to us recently and say “aren’t you glad 2012 is almost over?”
The answer for us is a resounding “yes.”

2012 has been a year singularly described as a “trial.” These trials have deepened our relationship with God, friends and family. We have sensed the attack of the enemy in some regards and yet we've seen the hand of God move in our lives through it all. For all of you who have strengthened us and encouraged us along life’s journey, we want to say “thank you.” We appreciated all of your prayers and support this past year.

As we reflected back on 2012, we now realize that we went through a lot. Some of the things that we went through were our own decisions, but some things were just "life."

1. We decided to start the adoption process of a little boy from Ghana in January after months of praying
2. Jenn started “Plus One Minus One,” a hand-stamped jewelry business in the Spring. The name of her company comes from the idea of “plus one family member/minus one orphan.” It’s exploded nationally
3. Mark was invited to join the board of directors of ELI (Equipping Leaders Internationally) to facilitate leadership on sustainable work projects in Haiti and Peru
4. Mark finished his Ministerial Credentialing through Global University
5. Mark started a Master’s degree in Intercultural Studies through Moody Theological Seminary in April
·     6. We were introduced to Dr Jim and Beth Blessman from Iowa. They have a ministry in Johannesburg, South Africa feeding 5000 needy children each day (among many other ministries). We are believing the Lord is sending us there to become career missionaries some time this summer. This prayer request started with a vision for Jo’burg that the Lord gave Mark on August 28, 2010. Mark is visiting South Africa Feb 14-26 with another missions team from Iowa
·     7. Jenn and 3 other women started “Minus One Ministry,” an adoption advocacy ministry at our church
·     8. Mark’s dad had a stroke due to cancer on Mother’s Day and we buried him Father’s Day weekend
·     9. Mark was rear-ended in a car accident while on a business trip July 30 injuring his lower back and left shoulder. Total reconstructive shoulder surgery on October 17, along with a week in the hospital. Started a 9 month daily physical therapy regimen. Mark’s still been able to work from home on a limited basis with the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago
·     10. We had a great family vacation in the Wisconsin Dells
·     11. Jenn started homeschooling Mady in August. She loves kindergarten and being home with us. She's also working with the twins each day. Sam and Hannah turned 3 in May. Sam potty-trained himself. Hannah is, well, Hannah. All of them ask about Africa on a daily basis.
·     12. Our adoption was permanently cancelled because our agency in Washington closed down Ghanaian adoptions. This was heart-wrenching as we found this out on the night of Jenn's surprise birthday party. Although we thought the $14,000 that we had paid was non-refundable, our agency agreed to at least return $6,200 back to us 
·     13. Mady started Junior Bible Quiz and is thriving at the monthly quiz meets in Springfield. Her team is now 12-0    
14. Jenn had an emergency appendectomy on Thanksgiving Day (and Mady’s 6th birthday)
·     15. A week later, Mark was hospitalized for 5 days with a nasal staph infection requiring incising of the nose

We trust that you had a great 2012. Here's to an awesome 2013! May you continue to seek the Lord and his direction for your life. We certainly covet your prayers. Thank you.