Monday, February 20, 2012

Picking an Agency

I have been doing some research in my email account trying to nail down dates and the timeline of events. I did a search for AAI (Adoption Advocates International) which is the adoption agency in the state of Washington that we ended up going with, and I found a startling fact. Here's the first email with "AAI" in the subject or body of the email that's in my inbox:

this is the agency that Janel recommended.. I've sent an email to Janel and to the agency requesting an info packet. I'll let you know what I find out...

LOVE you. (secretly a little excited too)

What struck me so significantly was the fact that Jenn sent me this message on

Mon, Jun 13, 2011 07:42 PM 

I couldn't believe it! I do not remember Jenn sending me this message nor do I remember that she had been excited about adopting from Africa before we even went to Ghana. I knew that it had been on her heart for quite sometime, but didn't realize that it went back over a year ago.
After we both believed the Lord was leading us to adopt, we contacted AAI again and they sent us some information and we formally signed an agreement with them to adopt a little boy age 2-5 from Ghana. I received my first correspondence with the director of the program on Feb 20, 2012. Anita Gillispie is awesome. She has adopted from Ghana a couple of times herself and has been there numerous times. She has a heart for the country and for the people. She's been a great resource. We feel like God has confirmed several things for us and that we are moving in a positive direction.
I CAN'T WAIT to meet my little guy! Sam and him will be buddies, I'm sure. 4 for each hand for Jenn and I, and we can all hold them at the same time. But that's it for me, 4 and no more! (Famous last words, I'm sure).
We announced to the kids that we were adopting a little boy from Africa when we were walking out of church. I asked Mady what should we call him so that we can pray for him by name? (as opposed to just praying for "the little orphan boy in Africa that we are adopting" each time) She looked at me and said that we should pray for him as "Little Orphan Steve." Apparently, she has this thing for the youth pastor at our church, Pastor Steve. So, from then on, we've prayed for him and referred to him as "Little Orphan Steve." When we adopt, we are actually going to change or add to his middle name "Stephen."
We really believe that we will make an eternal impact on a soul. What is that worth?


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