Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lessons from across the pond (posted by Jenn)

(I wrote this post for our most recent update letter regarding our first 3 months in South Africa.  If you would like to be added to our email list to get our updates, let me know.)  

When asked if I would write about a few of the moments that specifically touched me through these past 3 months, I had to pause.  That's a difficult question... so many people, so many events, so many things have touched my heart while living in South Africa.  I have made what I know will be life-long friendships.  I've seen things that I never imagined seeing in my lifetime.  I've been a part of something much bigger than myself.  I've been blessed.

I left America with no idea of what this next adventure would be like.  I had never been to South Africa - only seen pictures.  I felt very much like Abraham must have felt... packing up and heading to a country that he didn't know.  But, as did with Abraham, my faith grew tremendously during this time.  I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the ministry that is happening in South Africa.  I'm so thankful that I've been able to experience all that I have so far.  I'm thankful to be a changed person.

I'm blessed to have been able to meet a sweet little girl at the Children's Home in our area.  I felt drawn to her the first time I saw her.  We played, hand in hand, the whole time I was there, even though she didn't speak a word of English.  She changed me.  She has a piece of my heart.  I learned that she is very sick and that breaks my heart.  I'm looking forward to the visit where I can see her again and whisper to her, once again, while sitting on the swing, that "Jesus loves you and so do I.  Very much."

 I'm beyond grateful for the opportunity to be able to teach at the country school down the tar road from us.  I was quite nervous the first time I stepped in the school, but now I dislike leaving those sweet children.  I love teaching them the love of Christ right along with a dose of English.  They are beautiful.  They are so loved.  Every.  Single.  One.  Of.  Them.  In all actuality, they are teaching me MUCH more than I could ever teach them.  They have melted my heart with sweet conversations, hugs, contagious smiles, and letters calling me "mom."  I'm much more than a teacher to them... I'm Jesus.  And I am privileged to spend every second I can with them. 

I'm honored to be around the beautiful children at Lighthouse Christian Church multiple days each week.  I love the hugs, the high-fives, cool handshakes and finger snaps that I get every time we are there.  I love seeing the children run to our truck as we pull into the church.  I love hearing them yell for us as we leave.  I love holding the little ones when they can't sit through church.  I love picking up the ones who have fallen down and scraped a knee.  I love praying with the older kids who are feeling hurt or discouraged.  I love talking with them - learning about their lives.  I love watching my children love on them - and vice versa.  I love them.  All of them.  Every single precious child who walks through the gate.  They are part of my family.  We are all a part of God's family.  

Over the past couple of months, I've grown especially close to a small group of girls ages 13-14.  I'm digging into their lives, praying with them, loving on them, teaching them about God's unconditional love... But, like I said before, they are teaching me much more.  They've become "my girls."  I'm so thankful that they trust me enough to pour out their lives to me, and in turn I have the great privilege of sharing love, life and truth with them.  The letters they have written to me will be something that I cherish forever.  Leaving was much harder than I had imagined.  The impact that they have had on me I can assure you is much bigger than the one I hope I can have on them.  The light that shines through these girls is incredible considering the circumstances that they deal with on a daily basis.  God is at work and my heart is full.  I will continue to encourage them, uplift them, and pray with them as we move forward.  I'm looking forward to very BIG hugs when we get back to South Africa. 

My heart is for the children of South Africa - the orphans, the vulnerable children.  All of them.  When I think about what has most impacted me while I was there, it was by far the ministry, the children.  I'm honored to be in South Africa serving the Lord by loving on His children.  Those hugs, those amazing smiles, those tears from those sweet children remind me that i's all worth it.  

Giving up everything to serve Jesus is worth it.  Completely worth it.  

Monday, December 16, 2013

Pray for me: I finally broke down and went to AA

A friend of mine has found going to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings extremely beneficial. They have said on several occasions that I should come along sometime. They wanted me to meet their friends and be introduced to the support group. There was a special speaker speaking recently, so I broke down and went. What I didn't realize is that I needed AA more than I was willing to acknowledge.

Up until recently, I had a certain perspective on support groups like AA, NA (narcotics anonymous), M.A.D., DARE etc. I believed that these groups were just coping mechanisms that over looked the greater need (that being Jesus). I was being judgmental at best. The more I heard my friend talk, the more I recognized that AA has some inherent benefits. I learned that people still attend these meetings even after being sober 20 years. My immediate response was "why would someone go to AA after being sober for 20 years?" The response was not what I expected. My friend said, "We need the accountability and don't want to relapse." Interesting. My friend really wanted me to attend an open AA meeting, so I tagged along.

I arrived with a half-hearted expectation to my first meeting. What I saw I didn't expect. There were about 30 people sitting around the room that looked and acted absolutely normal. These folks were hard working students, professionals, grandparents, and moms with their children. Where were the "downs and outs" giving AA a last ditch effort to escape the indwelling demons? Where were the sob stories and unbelievable situations? Where was the hopeless and helpless looking for a handout? The folks that I saw were well-dressed good looking guys and gals. They welcomed me with open arms and served up a good cup of coffee. I sat down a little uncomfortable as a realization came over me. These people were successful at conquering their issue at hand. Almost everyone in the room from what I could tell had been sober for months, most of them years. They were a success! I was the one that needed AA and I wasn't willing to admit it.

You see, I don't deal with an alcohol or drug addiction. I don't struggle with pornography and I have a thriving marriage. I'm not unemployed and I don't need a recovery program for re-entry into society after a period behind bars. I don't lie, cheat or gamble and I've never been to a strip club. Horror movies are scary to me and I don't own a gun, they're loud. I love my whole family, Jesus, apple pie and football. But I need help. I need an AA type meeting in my life. I need support. I need accountability. After I thought about AA and what it means, I've come to realize that I think we all need an AA type meeting. We all need a support group or small group or whatever you want to call it. We all have struggles. We all are on the road to recovery. We all struggle with our own demons. Some are external, some are internal. Pride, love of money, being a workaholic, insecurity, lack of focus, laziness to name a few. I will never again judge someone who nervously tells me that they've started going to an AA type meeting. Quite the opposite. I will celebrate them. I will encourage them and give them a man hug. Yes they need Jesus, but they are going in a positive direction. They've acknowledged their problem, realized they can't do it themselves and have taken a big, bold, courageous step in the right direction. Some people are completely liberated from an addiction the moment they encounter Jesus but come to realize there are still other issues they struggle with as time goes by. Accountability is a beautiful thing. Many issues need to be addressed and repented of as sin, but after this, how do we help prevent a relapse?

I don't deal with the afore mentioned issues, but I have a big struggle. One that continues to creep up and I've gone to counseling for it, even taken medication for it. Many people don't know this about me. It's not something I would normally go public with on social media, but I'm willing to now, thanks to my first AA meeting.

My name's Mark and I'm a fear-aholic. 

I deal with fear. The littlest things trigger a fear mechanism in me, especially when it comes to my health and the possibility of not being there for my kids and wife down the road. I'm thankful for friends who have prayed with me, encouraged me and helped me the past 5 years. 2 Timothy 1:7 says "The Lord hasn't given ME a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind." The SPIRIT of fear is real and I've commanded that spirit by the blood of Jesus out of my life continually. And I claim this verse almost on a daily basis and I've prayed. My wife has prayed. But I need to take the next step.

There I've said it. I've nervously shared with you a vulnerable part about me. It's actually been quite liberating. I could care less if people look at me with a sideways glance now. I could care less if people judge me for not being perfect. I promise to not do the same with them. We all know we all have struggles. I'm taking my own bold step in a positive direction. I can't do it on my own. I'm looking forward to 20 years of freedom from fear, but for now, I'll start with the next 24 hours.

Now, who's courageous enough to join my small group? 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Tomato Story

Yesterday was one of those days that I don't think I'll ever forget...

Dr. Blessman got a call from Richard at the Pietersburg 100 Rotary Club. Richard shared that he had a lot of tomatoes to donate to Blessman Ministries Inc.

We stopped by last night to pick up the donation, only to find out that there were 20 crates of tomatoes for us! We filled up the entire back end of Dr Blessman's SUV with tubs of tomatoes and loaded about 6 more tubs onto the luggage racks.

After loading them up, we looked at each other and said, "We have a lot of tomatoes to find a home for!"

Dr Blessman had an idea for where quite a few of the tubs would go: a local pastor and his church, the workers at Shikwaru game reserve by our home and the kids at Lighthouse Church. But we had about 4-5 tubs of tomatoes (probably 75 pounds each) that we didn't know where to take them. We wanted them to go where they would be the most beneficial. We were thanking the Lord, and silently asking the Lord to lead us to the exact person (or communities) as we drove around.

We pulled into a Welfare complex and talked with the headmaster. He said they were government funded, and that they had a contract with a food vendor so they weren't actually interested in our tomatoes. They did say that around back, behind their complex, was a facility that housed mentally handicapped males. As we drove around the outside of their fence on a dirt road, my heart sank as we pulled up to the gate of the "other" facility. The facility that no one could see. The forgotten facility. The facility that houses males that people want to forget about. A facility that houses unwanted and undesired people.

There was garbage lining the entrance way, and young men were milling about everywhere. Windows were broken out, and the buildings were in great disarray. We asked one of the residents where the Administration building was at and his reply was that it was the "green building." We didn't see a green building, but we did see a building with a green roof. Close enough.

We drove over and met with the head master. Actually, he came out and met us at our vehicle as we pulled in. He was a truly genuine man and Dr Blessman and I both had instantaneous fellowship with him. He had a huge heart and a warm smile. He greeted us like we were brothers. Dr Blessman shared a little bit about our ministry and explained that our local Rotary Club had donated a lot of tomatoes, and would these tomatoes be beneficial to the residents at this facility? The headmaster's response is something I'm still trying to compute. I'm not sure where to file the following words that came out of his mouth...

You see, all the staff were supposed to leave at 3:00 that afternoon. By this time it was almost 4:30. They should've been home already. They should've been with their families, probably starting to cook dinner. The problem was that this facility had no food. None. They had been talking and praying since 3:00 about how they were going to feed all 140 males at their facility the next day. There was literally no food left. Their shelves were bare. As we drove in, one of the assistants looked at the headmaster and said, "there's your answer."

We learned about their situation and went to our storage facility about 5 minutes away and gave the headmaster 10 cases of rice packets from Meals from the Heartland. They filled up the whole back end of his truck. They said they would mix the tomatoes with the rice packets and make soup...for days.

Do you have any idea how humbling it is to ask the Lord "what do you want us to do?" and then as you listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit, you become the answer to someone else's prayer? All glory to God.

I know that our ministry is making a difference. I know that we feed 7000 orphans a day in 30 feeding centers throughout South Africa. I know that we have an internet cafĂ© to teach children computer skills and an after school program to teach them Christanity. I know that we are deeply involved with an orphanage about 30 minutes away, some of whom are infected with the AIDS virus. I've heard the stories, but the "tomato story" was different. This was something I was directly involved in. I witnessed it. You know what it did? It increased my faith. Are we going to go back to that "forgotten facility" and give them shoes? You bet. Are we going to partner with them and make sure they get more rice packets? You better believe it. Am I going to pray for my new friend, the headmaster - and a pastor? Absolutely. And I pray that as you get a glimpse into the life of a missionary pouring out his heart on a random Thursday for a country he loves, that your faith will be increased too. That you will ask the Lord "What do you want ME to do today?" Listen to him. Be lead of the Holy Spirit, and maybe the "tomatoes" you have will be the answer to someone's else's prayer as well. 

May you be encouraged.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Greatest Missionary

I never thought that I would be someone in full time missions. Now we live in Africa.

When I was a small boy I was torn between becoming a racecar drive and a dinosaur. Throughout college, although I was in student ministry, my focus and pursuit was the medical field. When I graduated and found my first job, I believed I had found my career. Looking back now, it was just a training ground for where we are today. It humbles me that the Lord has chosen us to be sent out into the world. There have been countless missionaries before us, and the road is well paved, and yet it still seems so surreal. I love my calling and I count it a privilege to be full time in ministry. Am I any more of a missionary now than I was when I worked for the Reference Laboratory and was in lay college ministry? No. Am I any more of a missionary now than when I worked as a Medical Technologist? No. Is this new vocation God’s direction in my life? Yes. I’ve preached for years “be a missionary wherever you go.” It doesn’t matter what you’ve chosen as your vocation in life. Our chief responsibility is to hear from the Lord and be lead by the Holy Spirit, keeping ourselves pure so as to not have anything come between our soul and the Savior.

As humans, we often like to think about “who is the greatest?” The greatest football player? Walter Payton. The greatest author? Shakespeare. The person that is the best at a particular gifting. The best at making money? Bill Gates (among others). The best salesman? Most politicians. You get the point. What about who was the greatest missionary? Was it someone like Billy Graham, David Livingston or George Muller? Although all of these were great missionaries, the greatest of them all was Jesus Christ.

Jesus left his eternal dwelling place. The place he had always known for all of eternity. He left the perfect unity of fellowship with the Father to come to this earth. The place that he had created became what wasn’t intended to be. The sin cursed earth needed a Redeemer and he was sent. You would think that all of humanity would instantaneously bow at his feet in gratitude and thanksgiving but instead “He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” (Jn 1:11). But he still came. He was obedient to the will of the Father.

I was blown away by a verse that I read recently. I’ve read this verse countless times but it jumped off the page and into my heart this past week. “For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.” (Jn 3:34) Jesus has been sent. He was the greatest missionary of all time. He left his eternal dwelling place and came to earth. He left the familiar (purity) and came to a place of unfamiliarity (sin and its consequences). He came to those that didn’t know him, despised him, rejected him and ultimately put him to death. As a sent one, he was the voice, the oracle of God, representing the Father in all ways. Was he alone on his journey? No. He had a helpmate, the Holy Spirit, the paraclete – one who comes up beside, a helper.

In human terms, we usually think of things that ultimately get depleted and run out. Food, money, gasoline, batteries etc run out. When we use something, it ends up becoming empty, depleted, broken or useless over time. It’s one of the laws of our universe. There is one major exception though and Jn 3:34 emphasizes it: the unending supply of the Holy Spirit. We have been given a gift that doesn’t run out. An infinite, limitless supply. This principle of a limitless supply of the Holy Spirit applies not only to Jesus, but to us as well. First, we see God – the creator and sustainer of life, has a will and a purpose for us. He had a purpose for Christ, and he has a will for all of humanity. This same Creator sends us out – those that respond by faith to his will, to accomplish his will here on earth. As we are responsive to the will of God, we can be his mouthpiece. Just as Christ was the voice of God, so we are called to vocalize the will of God. To speak as we are spoken to through the conduit called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is that channel by which we get our marching orders. With the Holy Spirit comes incredible blessings, like a limitless supply of power, strength and truth. It doesn’t run out. The Holy Spirit doesn’t become tired, spent, exhausted or worn out like all of creation. The Holy Spirit is limitless! Without limit, without end.

I challenge you to consider your ways. Are you God’s servant, being lead out to in a missional way to represent him each and every day? God doesn’t call every person into full time missions in another culture (it wouldn’t make sense, who would represent him in the stores, factories, organizations and companies in every part of the world??) he has you just where he wants you. You are to be his mouthpiece. You are sent into the world to speak his voice. Where does your strength, power, courage, boldness and vitality come from? A limitless supply of the Holy Spirit. Ask that the Lord would clearly confirm your calling and to fill you in a greater way with the limitless supply of the Holy Spirit and just see what happens…

May you be encouraged.

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Timely Word

I love the power of a word of encouragement. It builds you up, encourages you and strengthens your resolve. I remember when I was in 5th grade and I played flag football and I caught a long touchdown pass (my only one for the year), my dad said "You looked fast, like Neil Anderson of the Bears." That was about the greatest compliment he could possibly say to me that day. It was a very impressionable comment. It was a word of encouragement.

I've started riding my bike again this summer. And it's been a long time since I've ridden recreationally. I loved cycling when I was in high school and college (and obviously all over the neighborhood as a grade schooler just like most boys that age.) I've also had the privilege of riding my bike around the country. When I was a Junior in high school, my dad took me on a spring break trip to Alabama and I got to ride all over the rolling hills during the week. After my Senior year in high school, I went on a missions trip to California, and one of our stops on the way out was in Veil, Colorado and I got to see the competitors of a national downhill meet. Once we got to California, I rode my bike all over Huntington Beach and then around Big Sur in the northern part of the state. As college rolled on, biking went from a hobby of interest to a means of cheap transportation. I lost part of my enthusiasm for cycling however because it was a now a requirement.

Right before I got married, I bought a nice canary yellow Cannondale M500 mountain bike. It's actually the 3rd one I've owned after starting out with a Specialized. Ol' yeller has been a trusty mate and I've now had her over 10 years. I'd love to upgrade my mountain bike, but I'd rather save up for a road bike once we move to Africa.

My wife has been such an advocate for me. She's cheered me on, and encouraged me every step of the way this summer. I've started riding again for a purpose: to get in shape and to stay in shape. After the purpose was established, a passion started to rise out of my heart. I love cycling. I love pulling on my jersey and cycling shorts and strapping on my shoes and pulling on my gloves. I love plugging in to my iPhone and turning on my Cyclometer app, pushing play on a good podcast (I don't listen to music) and clicking into the pedals. Off I go.

40 miles of solitude last Saturday
Has this been the easiest thing to pick up again? No way. Has it been hard and exhausting on some days. Sure, but it's been worth it. A good friend told me recently that "pain is optional. I like that, but "no pain, no gain." I now ride for a purpose, but I also ride for a passion. A passion to train well and eventually fulfill a new found dream, to ride in the Momentum 94.7 (km) Cycling Challenge in Johannesburg, South Africa on November 17th. Can I ride 60+ straight miles as of right now? No. Am I passionately pursuing it? Yes.

One of the things that keeps me going is a word of encouragement. Last Saturday I rode 41 miles. I know lots of people can ride 50-100 miles at a time, but for me, my goal on Saturday was to ride a solid 40. Did it take me almost 3 hours and did I want to quit several times? Yes. Did my wife send me several texts along the way asking how I was doing? Yes. Did it encourage me? Absolutely. A timely word of encouragement.

One of my favorite training routes during the week is to take a dirt path that circles the sports complex at EIU. At this time of year, there's always cross country athletes running on the same gravel path or at least several high school band camps in session out on the fields. There's lots of people and activities to watch to pass the time. Recently there was a group of about 15 high school boys running on the same path. We passed each other going the opposite direction and about 100 yards behind the lead group was a straggler. A boy that wasn't as fit as the other boys and was obviously struggling in the summer heat. When I saw him, the Lord spoke to me and said "encourage him." As we passed, I simply said "keep going." About 10 minutes later, as I circled around the path, I passed the same group again, and around the next bend, I saw the same boy, now walking. He had stopped running. He was spent. He was tired. He was dehydrated and his head was hanging as he walked. After about 5 seconds, he happened to glance up and he saw me approaching and our eyes met and something really cool happened. He started running again! He remembered my word of encouragement. It took every ounce of energy for him to run and I saw the pain on his face, but he was going for it. As I passed him, once again I said "keep going." It gave him strength and an extra ounce of energy to try again. A timely word of encouragement. It also gave me strength to keep going because I couldn't let him down. A new purpose.

Don't we all need that in life? A word of encouragement from a friend, a spouse, a relative. "Keep going." Don't faint. Don't give up. Take another breath. One foot in front of another. Start running again. Life pulls us down. "Keep going."

I'm so thankful for the words of encouragement from my friends and family and especially from my God: "Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24 NLT. We need those often. And these words are good for our body and soul. 

My God comforts. He encourages. He strengthens. A word of encouragement. So, what can I say to you?...

"Keep going."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wrecked on the Road of Life - Faces in the Mirror

This morning as I was driving along, I had something happen to me that has has wrecked me ever since. And it will for quite a while. I saw a man get killed.

As I was driving along, I happened to glance in the rearview mirror and I saw people. Lots of people. Driving behind me, next to me, all around me, with blank, emotionless stares. Long faces with far off expressions. The thought immediately came to my mind, "Faces in the Mirror." Where are these faces going? Faces in the mirror. Unknown, countless, endless faces. Each with a story, each with a history, each with a name. All in need of a Savior.

"What's his name? Where is he headed? What are his dreams? What are his pains?" Faces.

The Lord spoke to me. "Mark, these are my people. These are my children. Have you witnessed to them? Have you shared your story with them? How have you represented me TODAY?" Sometimes we are so naive and hold hard to the mantra "Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words." I'm not discounting the power of love, truth and testimony but the apostle Paul tells us to "Preach the Word!" and that "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Have I been courageous and talked about my King today? I was very convicted by that thought "faces in the mirror" and I meditated on it for several minutes.

After about 10 minutes of driving along at about 70 mph, I happened to glance in the rearview mirror again and there was a middle-aged man on his motorcycle right on my tail. I didn't think too much about it, but as the lane opened up next to me, he passed me on his bike at about 80 mph. He was an african american and out for a morning cruise, enjoying his ride. He had a sweet red Harley and he opened it up as he passed. I did think to myself that "he's driving a little crazy, especially with his helmet strapped on to the seat behind him." As he passed me, he sat back a little bit and let his left hand and arm rest on his lap while accelerating with his right hand. And then it happened. I'm not sure what occurred. I don't know if he hit a pot hole or someone swerved into his lane, regardless the results were horrific. He slammed into the concrete barrier. As everyone slowed down or pulled over, that thought "Faces in the mirror" hammered my heart. I passed him as it was pretty obviously that he had just died as he lay motionless on his back sprawled out in the road. I couldn't help but be torn up over the incident, and I'm certainly not over it yet.

An unknown man just met his Maker. A husband, a dad, a son or a friend, just died.
Did he believe in God? He does now.
Does he have regrets about his life here on earth? No undoing those decisions.
Had he kissed his wife goodbye and told her he loved her this morning? That opportunity won't occur again.
What choices could he have made to alter his life?
I could have prayed for him when I saw him...would it have changed the outcome?

What would he tell you and me now?

Work harder? Make more money? Spend more Saturdays golfing?

Or would he say that the greatest things in life are those things that are eternal. That Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and that 2000 years ago He was despised and rejected and hung on the cruel cross and that all of time has a pinnacle point, that of the resurrection of the Son of Man. Would this unknown man now tell us to spend every opportunity to speak of Christ because he now has an intimate reality of a Christless eternity?

"Lord, be with this man's family. Comfort them. I pray that your name would be glorified in some way. Use this event to transform my thinking and ignite me to speak out your name to those around me, not counting the cost nor being ashamed of the Name. Amen."

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Much Overdue Update

We've had such a busy month that I realized that I'm long overdue for an update on our plans to move to Johannesburg, South Africa. We continue to see God's hand in so many ways. We see him leading us, directing us and guiding us. His clarion call is so clear in our lives.

  • My left shoulder continues to rehabilitate well. I'm looking at possibly switching over to a more holistic Physical Therapy facility here in Champaign. I have an hour and a half evaluation meeting with them next Saturday
  • My lower back continues to give me issues periodically. I started going to the chiropractor, but that seemed to make it worse. I started PT on my lower back to strengthen the core. It doesn't hurt constantly, but the discomfort does come and go
I cannot wait: I leave for Johannesburg, South Africa in a week and a half! (Feb 14-26) It's come up on me so fast that I hardly feel prepared. This will be quite an upcoming week preparing for the 2 day children's conference that we will be holding. I'll be sharing on the theme "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit." I'm looking forward to getting a clearer picture of the ministry there and all that we will be doing with Blessman Ministries Inc. ( We continue to believe the Lord is leading us to move there as long-term missionaries in 2013. We met with our realtor this past week. Looks like we'll be putting our home on the market as soon as I get back. My mom has graciously invited us to live with her if our house sells before we are set to leave. She just put a big addition on her house, so there should be plenty of room. We are already starting to thin out our belongings and get our home ready for the market. It's been been quite a project so far. Found a great way to sell stuff though: a garage sale page on Facebook. Stuff sells really fast and at reasonable prices. It's like craigslist, but on speed. I sell stuff on the website in literally 5 minutes. It's as if there are people just waiting for you to post your stuff. 

Cleaning out my office
It's been difficult letting go. Letting go of my books was probably the hardest part so far. I just donated several hundred this morning to a local agency that sells them to provide grants for adoptions. I've been realizing that I really value all of my books (I've been a collector for almost 20 years). It's the one thing that I've been hanging on to. Everything else I don't care about, but this is the one thing that's been tough. I wonder what you would hold on to if you were in my shoes?

I still can't fathom moving 1/2 around the globe to serve in ministry. It's overwhelming at times, and quite natural in another sense. Jenn and I sense that we are going to be involved in something that the Lord has been preparing us to do for years. We'll be helping to feed 5000 orphans a solid meal each day. We'll be helping to lead (with Dr Jim and Beth Blessman) the 8-10 missions teams that come from the US each year. We'll be helping to serve in the church and community as the Lord opens up doors. 

So many pieces are fitting into place:

1. I'll be serving in some ministry capacity, using 17 years worth of experience to serve those that the Lord has called us to minister to. I'm so glad I finished my ministerial credentialing (through Global University) in early 2012 and started on a master's degree in Intercultural Studies from Moody Theological Seminary.
2. I'll be using my 7 years worth of medical sales experience to help network with companies in South Africa to raise funds for the ministry
3. Through a partnership with Focus on the Family, Jenn will be teaching women how to do hand-stamped jewelry to sell. She started her own business last year doing this exact thing. 
4. Jenn will continue to homeschool the kids when we are in Africa. Mady started Kindergarten last fall
5. We've had quite a few friends and family already make a verbal commitment to support us financially. This is so overwhelming and humbling. We look forward to partnering with many prayer warriors and supporters alike. We covet prayer as much as anything. We need the prayer support. We do have a rather hefty monthly budget to raise before we go, but we are confident that the God who has called us, will provide.

Please pray for my trip, that there will be an absolute confirmation on our calling. We are ready and willing to go and our lives are in His hands. We're walking by faith. Trusting him and believing him every step of the way.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 - A Year in Review

We had some friends come up to us recently and say “aren’t you glad 2012 is almost over?”
The answer for us is a resounding “yes.”

2012 has been a year singularly described as a “trial.” These trials have deepened our relationship with God, friends and family. We have sensed the attack of the enemy in some regards and yet we've seen the hand of God move in our lives through it all. For all of you who have strengthened us and encouraged us along life’s journey, we want to say “thank you.” We appreciated all of your prayers and support this past year.

As we reflected back on 2012, we now realize that we went through a lot. Some of the things that we went through were our own decisions, but some things were just "life."

1. We decided to start the adoption process of a little boy from Ghana in January after months of praying
2. Jenn started “Plus One Minus One,” a hand-stamped jewelry business in the Spring. The name of her company comes from the idea of “plus one family member/minus one orphan.” It’s exploded nationally
3. Mark was invited to join the board of directors of ELI (Equipping Leaders Internationally) to facilitate leadership on sustainable work projects in Haiti and Peru
4. Mark finished his Ministerial Credentialing through Global University
5. Mark started a Master’s degree in Intercultural Studies through Moody Theological Seminary in April
·     6. We were introduced to Dr Jim and Beth Blessman from Iowa. They have a ministry in Johannesburg, South Africa feeding 5000 needy children each day (among many other ministries). We are believing the Lord is sending us there to become career missionaries some time this summer. This prayer request started with a vision for Jo’burg that the Lord gave Mark on August 28, 2010. Mark is visiting South Africa Feb 14-26 with another missions team from Iowa
·     7. Jenn and 3 other women started “Minus One Ministry,” an adoption advocacy ministry at our church
·     8. Mark’s dad had a stroke due to cancer on Mother’s Day and we buried him Father’s Day weekend
·     9. Mark was rear-ended in a car accident while on a business trip July 30 injuring his lower back and left shoulder. Total reconstructive shoulder surgery on October 17, along with a week in the hospital. Started a 9 month daily physical therapy regimen. Mark’s still been able to work from home on a limited basis with the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago
·     10. We had a great family vacation in the Wisconsin Dells
·     11. Jenn started homeschooling Mady in August. She loves kindergarten and being home with us. She's also working with the twins each day. Sam and Hannah turned 3 in May. Sam potty-trained himself. Hannah is, well, Hannah. All of them ask about Africa on a daily basis.
·     12. Our adoption was permanently cancelled because our agency in Washington closed down Ghanaian adoptions. This was heart-wrenching as we found this out on the night of Jenn's surprise birthday party. Although we thought the $14,000 that we had paid was non-refundable, our agency agreed to at least return $6,200 back to us 
·     13. Mady started Junior Bible Quiz and is thriving at the monthly quiz meets in Springfield. Her team is now 12-0    
14. Jenn had an emergency appendectomy on Thanksgiving Day (and Mady’s 6th birthday)
·     15. A week later, Mark was hospitalized for 5 days with a nasal staph infection requiring incising of the nose

We trust that you had a great 2012. Here's to an awesome 2013! May you continue to seek the Lord and his direction for your life. We certainly covet your prayers. Thank you.