Monday, December 21, 2015

Sleeping through the Storm

"Where is your faith?" Luke 8:25

What a crazy question to ask considering all of the circumstances. Allow me to paint a picture of the scenario.

Jesus and his disciples are out on a lake going from one side to the other in a sail boat. It must've been a long, hard journey across the lake or Jesus had had a long, hard day because as they sailed, he goes to sleep. Now, put yourself in this picture. You're out in a boat, out in the middle of the lake. The disciples are laboring hard to keep the vessel afloat. The waves are picking up. The wind starts to howl. The boat is getting water-logged and you decide to take a nap? "Wow, Jesus, you're welcome for the free lift across the lake but we're about to die!" What they didn't understand was it was all a part of the Master's plan.

You see, Jesus uses the circumstances of their day to teach the disciples a lesson on faith. And it transcends 2000 years all the way to today. We would do well to apply this passage to our own lives.

What do we learn from this simple passage found in Luke 8:22-25?

First, we see that the disciples at least at one time had faith. They used to have faith. Jesus asks, "Where is your faith?" Where has your faith gone? They had faith at one time. At least at one time, their faith was strong. Probably because their circumstances were strong and secure. See, it's easy to claim to have faith when things are going our way. When my kids are healthy, it's easy to have faith. Faith is easy when my ministry is fully-funded. When my marriage is strong. But is that real, honest, true faith? If it wavers in the storms of life, than I would suggest that what we have is optimism. Kind of like joy vs. happiness. I'm called to have joy but if my joy wavers in the storms of life, what I really have is happiness. Happiness is an emotion based on external circumstances. If things are going well in life I can claim to have joy but in reality what I am experiencing is happiness. The followers of Jesus continued in joy even though they had been flogged (nearly beaten to death) for the name of Jesus! (Acts 5:40-41) Wait, what? How? What a difference between living a faulty, fake, shallow "happy and optimistic" life as opposed to a life of "joy and faith." What's the difference?  


Jesus goes to sleep in the middle of the storm. Now, sleep is a regular, normal and good thing. I love sleep. But when I'm out in an open sail boat with the waves rocking the helm, that's not a normal time to sleep! I'd be panic-stricken. (I hate sharks.) But Jesus falls asleep. Wait, what? How? Why? He's at rest. Did you hear that? He's at rest. That's what true faith looks like. True faith (true utter abandonment, true submission and true belief and trust in God) is at REST no matter the circumstances. Now, Jesus could've grabbed a pail and helped bail out the water, but instead he chose this opportunity to communicate a life lesson.

Do I have true faith or do I have optimism? The waves and storms of life are sure to come. They will pound you. You will lose a job. You or someone you know will get sick, or even worse. You will have more month left than you do money. You'll kick the dog and blow a gasket towards your spouse. The storms are life are sure to come. Will your faith endure?

We are called to battle the storms of life as Jesus did. At rest and by faith. Faith in God. "Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided and all was calm." Jesus can calm the storm, but only in his timing and according to his will. Calming the storm is a principle, not a promise. The principle part is our faith in him no matter the circumstances. True belief and abandonment to God requires us to have a proper perspective - having a view of the other side of the storm. Either on this side of the grave or the other. Sometimes the storms aren't as fierce as we think they are. If you're in a little row boat out in the storm, you think you're about to be overcome. But if you go up in a little prop plane, you can easily see from one shore to the other and the storm doesn't look nearly as imposing. The difference? Perspective.

If your circumstances have changed and you feel your faith starting to waver, ask God for perspective. Ask Him for rest. It's impossible for us - we are conditioned to fear and panic. But he was able to be "at rest" even in the storms of life. That's a principle for you and I today.

May you be blessed.